Results of Receptionist Max from Wellness Hotel Absolutum

50 rooms - 110 beds

Superiror - Deluxe - Eclusive - Apartment

Czech and Slovak clientele

Focused on business and corporate clients

Individual approach

Virtual Receptionist Max

Test period: 1 August 2022 - 31 January 2023 (6 months)

If the receptionist does not answer the phone, the caller is transferred to Receptionist Max after the 4th ring (to support bookings made via phone at check-in/out time when the receptionist did not have time to answer the call).


  • Room reservation, conference room reservation
  • Answering common queries (parking, opening hours, forgotten item, pets, etc.)
  • Redirection to the restaurant line or, for example, to the wellness service line
  • Speaks Czech and English

Max's contribution for October 2022

Phone calls received - 319

Time of calls - 184 minutes

Number of bookings received - 21

Salary of one receptionist (we calculate 790 EUR)

Number of room-nights booked - 45 - value of bookings (successfully created bookings) 3 200 EUR

Additional calls made (upselling to numbers from prematurely placed calls) - 28 reservations with a value of 3 320 EUR

Number of phone calls processed by Max and their financial contribution

Number of
phone calls [#]
Number of reserved room-nights [#]Average room price excluding VAT [EUR]Financial contribution from rooms reserved by MAX [EUR]Financial contribution from additionally called reservations [EUR]Savings on receptionist*[EUR]
August 2022289306920511964818
September 2022274497838243446818
October 2022318457437933115818
November 2022323396833882748818
December 2022303407934672748818
January 2023273326519971643818
  • We count the salary of one receptionist as 818 EUR.

Max's contribution for the trial period (1st August 2022 - 31st January 2023)

Generates additional income from direct bookings that you would otherwise miss out on.

Thanks to direct bookings, there are lower fees for services such as booking.

Eliminates missed calls to zero.

Savings of one receptionist's salary (we calculate 818 EUR).

Capturing additional customers - thanks to callbacks from reception to numbers from unfinished reservations and requests (there is a clear list of Max's call records with guests).

Financial contribution


Financial contribution from reserved rooms

14 994

Reception savings

4 066

Additionally called

13 740

"Max's overall performance is well and clearly quantifiable. The virtual receptionist made a real contribution of 22 358 EUR over the trial period. At the same time, greater clarity and professionalism in communicating with clients without having to hire another receptionist. Thanks to the receptionist's callback to numbers from outstanding orders, the benefit was worth an additional 13 740 EUR."

For references and our experience, please contact:

Lukáš Málik - Director of Hotel Absolutum

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GM MEDIA, s.r.o
Londýnská 254/7
120 00 Praha 2
